Raul Preciado 33pc

Raul Preciado

Raul Preciado's activity stream

  • published Wizard Rock the Vote in Vote 2012-08-07 10:27:25 -0700

    Wizard Rock the Vote


    Like many kids around the world I was introduced to Harry Potter when I was in middle school. The book series kept me interested book after book and when the movies came out I made sure to go see them. I was only a casual fan but I was aware of the hardcore fan base that existed. What I didn’t think about was using Harry Potter and the world of Wizards and Witches for good and I’m talking real good not just magic. So you can image my surprise when I bumped into this video from the Harry Potter Alliance. First I was impressed with how relatable Julian was even if you are not a Harry Potter fan everyone has experienced a disappointing moment in their lives and to hear Julian talk about Leakycon it is heartbreaking that he cannot attend. He sheds light to why we need Immigration Reform and the Dream Act. And lets us know that Harry Potter is a supporter of immigration reform. Also I couldn’t believe that the Harry Potter Alliance is a real organization it’s not just a bunch of kids online it’s a 501c3 nonprofit and has raised over $120,000 for health efforts in Haiti and has donate over 80,000 books worldwide.

    The Harry Potter Alliance is also involved in civic engagement efforts here in the US and they’ve been doing so since 2008 through their Wizard Rock the Vote program. I asked Julian to tell me more about how Wizard Rock the Vote works here’s what he said, “Over the summer the HPA runs Wizard Rock the Vote to register young voters and get the word out about voting. Wizard rock bands The Whomping Willows and Harry and the Potters are participating this year. The HPA sends volunteers to each show and encourages attendees to register to vote. This year we're also encouraging our members to seek out local ballot initiatives in their towns, cities, and states to see the ones that are most important to them and to the HPA's mission of equality for all.”It’s good to see something fun and creative to liven up what is unfortunately too often the dull task of voter registration. Registering to vote and registering others is one of the most important things that an organization or an individual can do so I applaud the Harry Potter Alliance for their efforts. Next time you find yourself in a wizard rock band concert skip the quidditch match and check out Wizard Rock the Vote.



  • Olympics Campaign Ads Contrasted: Democrats Go Positive Republicans Go Negative

    While you're watching the olympics this summer pay close attention to the commercials. At least the campaigns are hoping that you do. President Obama and the Republican National Committee are both releasing campaign ads during the opening ceremony. Millions will watch but what kind of impact will they have on the presidential race? The Talking Points Memo previews both ads and gives us some details about the content.

    (flickr: UK in LEBANON)

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  • Is Romney taking Campaign Advice from George Lopez?

    If you have followed this election cycle at all you know that Mitt Romney has taken an anti-immigrant stance. He has suggested self deportation, said he would veto the Dream Act and applauded Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s efforts in Arizona along with SB1070. However recently he has started to make comments suggesting he may be flipping on this issue. When asked about President Obama’s deferred action for dreamers he as predicted criticized it, but not because it was the wrong thing to do but because he would seek a permanent solution. How about the Dream Act?

    And now the Romney campaign releases a new ad in Spanish which features his son Craig speaking about how Romney appreciates that this is a nation of immigrants and that he will work for a bipartisan solution to immigration. He even talks about his grandfather being born in Mexico. I mean is Romney taking campaign advice from George Lopez? Earlier this week while performing in Los Angeles, Lopez said that Romney is a Latino and if he wanted the Latino vote he had to come out of the closet. It appears that with this new ad that’s exactly what Mitt Romney is doing.




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