What Could You Do With 3,199,999 dots?

HeroIf someone handed you a piece of paper and a pen, what sort of thing would you create? That's the question Miguel Endara answers on a recurrent basis.


Images Via: Miguel Endara





If you think you're impressed by these paintings, look again. Closer. These portraits and still life are all created by Latino artist Miguel Endara using the extremely difficult stippling techinique. Stippling involves creating patterns simulating varying degrees of solidity or shading by using small dots. Not only does stippling require a steady hand and crazy amounts of skill, but it also requires A LOT of patience. All of these images are made combining hundreds of thousands or even millions of dots to create shapes and forms that can even have high contrast areas of light and shadows. All this with a pen. 


Endara gives us a look into his process in the 2 minute video titled "The Making Of "Hero"" where we can see how this portrait of his father came to be after a long and arduous process of combining over 3 MILLION dots. 



Take a look at the video here. You don't begin to wrap your head around how crazy stippling is until you see the bigger picture and understand how much of vision and artistic control you have to have to be able to create something like this. 

If you are interested in getting prints or seeing more of Endara's artwork you can do so on his website http://www.miguelendara.com/ or follow him on @MiguelEndara, Facebook, or Tumblr.

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