Robert Wells 4pc

Robert Wells

Robert Wells's activity stream

  • I Pledge to Support Wal-Mart Workers On Black Friday


    Help make change by holding Walmart corporate managers accountable to hourly employees and the public for their practices. Join with community leaders in major cities across America to make sure that any new jobs offered by Walmart meet strong standards for healthy, growing communities. 

    Pledge to support and join in the strike!


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  • commented on Todos Somos Ilegales 2012-06-27 11:16:28 -0700
    It’s not immigrants that I am against, it’s illegal immigrants.
    Those who come to the US and jump on our welfare system, refuse to learn English, constantly pop out more and more kids so were even more overpopulated and are just a drain on resources.

    The illegals I’m against are the ones who come here to commit crime and/or do not contribute to society.

    I can see the point this song is trying to make, but it only looks at a very small perspective of the issue. Every Country has immigration laws, and believe me the US treats it’s illegal immigrants far better then many other countries do.