If You Don't Speak Up, They Will Speak For You...

Marilyn Deyoung, CAPS

Latino immigrant "babies can join a gang, latino babies grow up."

Don't let this absurdity drive immigration reform!
Jim Gilchrist, MINUTEMEN

Latino immigrants "are bottomless feeders."

Don't let this racism drive immigration reform!
Harry Hughes, NEO-NAZIS

Latino immigrants are "disposable, throw-away people."

Don't let this hate drive immigration reform!
Scott Powelson, CCIR

Latino "immigrants are criminals and are importing corruption."

Don't let this fear-mongering drive immigration reform!
Rush Limbaugh

"A full 75% of voting hispanics believe prosperity is the job of the government."

Don't let these lies drive immigration reform!
Ann Coulter

"Immigrants who come to this country instantly have illegitimate children."

Don't let this racism drive immigration reform."
Bill O'Reilly

"If we legalize immigrants who are here they get more on the welfare entitlement train."

Don't let this fear-mongering drive immigration reform!
Neil Cavuto

"Releasing immigrants from detention is dumb."

Don't let this absurdity drive immigration reform!

Don’t let anti-immigrant rhetoric drive the immigration debate. Nativist, racist and fear-mongering hate groups are working hard to drive their narrative on immigration. For years now, anti-immigrant groups have successfully infused their message into the national immigration debate. Influencing local politicians and national figures - with the same talking points: "More punishment", "Militarize the border", "Massive deportations", "More Enforcement." This has resulted in dangerous policies that have led to flagrant violation of human rights.

It is time we put basic immigrant, human rights back in the forefront of our national values and priorities! Let Congress and the President know that to reform immigration they must prioritize "Immigrant rights before enforcement."Add your name and message - make sure your voice is heard!
1,378 signatures

get the word out

  • A. Hill.
    signed 2014-02-03 12:46:29 -0800
    I think the people that I just saw on these videos are a little bit ridiculous. They act like immigrants are animals and only here to make things worse for us. I think these people need to take a step out of their privileged lives and think about someone else for a change. They need to get to know who these people really are and why they’re really here. They are some of the most hard working and loving people I have ever met. I am appalled that someone could actually think that and broadcast it publicly. They have just as much right to a good life as you do!
  • Natalie Ebler
    signed 2013-11-21 20:51:44 -0800
    I have met a ton of undocumented immigrants and not a single one is in the U.S. to be a freeloader or a criminal. They are some of the hardest working people I know and many are more proud to be American than citizens that were born here. We are all immigrants unless we are Native American. I don’t see how people don’t understand that. This country would collapse without the undocumented workforce.
  • posted about this on Facebook 2013-10-15 13:04:23 -0700
    Sign petition: If you dont speak up, anti-immigrant nativist will speak for you
  • Luis Serrano
    signed 2013-10-15 13:03:48 -0700
  • Rev. Ralph Moore
    signed 2013-10-08 04:51:29 -0700
  • Perry Cavender
    signed 2013-08-29 09:49:14 -0700
  • Axel Caballero
    followed this page 2013-08-21 07:57:23 -0700
  • Diana Angelo
    signed 2013-08-21 07:40:57 -0700
    Indeed how quickly “Americans” have forgotten their own history, you know, the bit about how Europeans came over here and invaded a land that was already inhabited by other people. I’ve been telling some of my Latino friends about this fabled “plot” that the media and otherwise have made up where Mexicans are clearly invading the USA so that they can take over what land they lost. My friends are like, “Wow. We NEVER thought of that! That’s a great idea! White people always have the best ideas! HAHA” ;-) Also, as far as assimilation goes, how do these ignorant Americans expect people to assimilate to a culture that continues to tell them they are definitely different and NOT WELCOMED here? Lest we also forget, we wouldn’t have things like hamburgers and hotdogs (both originally from Germany), spaghetti and pizza (from Italy), bagels (from Poland), or any other “American” food if it weren’t for immigrants bringing their food and traditions here. So the next time middle America goes through a McDonald’s or Taco Bell drive thru, perhaps they ought to think about where these “American” restaurants got their influence.
  • Brittany Cross
    signed 2013-07-08 09:26:49 -0700
  • james kennedy
    signed 2013-06-07 18:56:21 -0700
  • Daria Sievers
    signed 2013-05-21 16:05:38 -0700
  • Carolyn Hidy
    signed 2013-05-20 11:14:27 -0700
    Please, let families and humanity win. Not cruelty and forms and hatred, and prisons, and numbers. Thank you.
  • Celso Mireles
    signed 2013-04-30 17:53:01 -0700
    We all need to speak up!
  • MaryAnn Thomas
    signed 2013-04-29 16:50:35 -0700
  • Tara Salazar
    signed 2013-04-11 07:54:59 -0700
    When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God. Leviticus 19:33,34 —Wife of a Guatemalan citizen who was deported
  • Tessa Scott
    signed 2013-04-11 04:54:48 -0700
    Occasionally, I’m reminded that the US doesn’t stand for human rights. The US hypocritically has violated many human rights, and sadly, very much still does. Please let’s change this. Children, families, communities deserve better. Stop the deportations. Stop separating families. Stop degrading human beings.
  • Allie Carter
    signed 2013-04-10 17:20:47 -0700
  • Gisselle Martinez
    signed 2013-04-10 16:59:58 -0700
  • Alfredo Bacci
    signed 2013-04-10 16:36:20 -0700
    Then he said to them, “Whoever welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. For it is the one who is least among you all who is the greatest.”
  • Christopher Godinez
    signed 2013-04-10 16:14:23 -0700
  • Sandra Larsen
    signed 2013-04-10 16:08:59 -0700
  • triniti ortiz
    signed 2013-04-10 16:05:14 -0700
  • Patty Hoffmann
    signed 2013-04-10 16:04:41 -0700
  • Anthony Burnam
    signed 2013-04-08 17:23:52 -0700
    Rush L and Ann C sure don’t speak for me. Both are an embarrassment to me. Their dissemination of fear and hate is troglodytic. Dreadful people.
  • jerald hood
    signed 2013-04-07 18:07:36 -0700
  • Kaitlin Vollmer
    signed 2013-04-06 23:12:23 -0700
  • Cassie Bellio
    signed 2013-04-06 19:54:58 -0700
  • posted about this on Facebook 2013-04-06 17:06:17 -0700
    Sign petition: If you dont speak up, anti-immigrant nativist will speak for you
  • Rose Babyak
    signed 2013-04-06 17:05:25 -0700
    I can’t believe that this is even still an issue. What it comes down to is discrimination by and in the law. If at all possible, each of these people should be willing to provide a home or email address in order to be told what the rest of the (thinking) population feels. After all, if a person believes in his or her convictions enough to share them with the world, he or she should have no problem with opening up his or her home to possible negative outcomes stemming from said sharing. violence begets violence, whether it be a verbal, written, or physical assault; I personally support only the first two, and am willing to write and say what is necessary to keep such small-mindedness from spreading. People, hear me: discrimination of any kind is not in any context right.
  • Allison Lapehn
    signed 2013-04-06 13:09:03 -0700
    Todos son iguales!