Jeanette Estrella Luna's activity stream

  • commented on Police Fire Non-Lethal Rounds At Men, Women, and Children in Latino Community of Orange County 2012-07-23 19:05:40 -0700
    The new police starting a war against the citizens. They are acting like terrorist what is going on in the USA this is not Nazi Germany. These are people I think the police have lost their minds.

  • commented on License Plates and ICE, Be Aware! 2012-07-16 20:05:07 -0700
    If they worked this hard at capturing real criminals we wouldn’t have as many problems as we do. But now they are wasting more money to track the working immigrant. You figure if they were really concerned about the bloody green card they would take a fraction of that money and help them get on- that the immigrant would back of course and after its paid they wont be out a dime.

  • signed Immigrants For Sale 2012-05-30 12:18:13 -0700
    These prisons are built for one reason only –greed & that’s means money. They don’t think of its inmates in human terms they think of them as dollar signs. The less money they have to spend to provide proper care , food and treatment to them is more money in their pockets. That is why AZ is fighting so hard to people to believe they have a terrible problem with immigrants so the government will give them more money and they are also setting up another prison for profit. They are just killing people , abusing them , destroying, brutalizing, tormenting families for the almighty dollar and with all these prisons in place they will never fix the immigration process . We need to all stand together to change these prisons, laws and treatment of other human beings we are not Germany/Nazis we are supposed to be a more civilized and educated people . If it were one of their family members or relative in one of these places I bet things would change.Not all of the people placed in them have committed anything more than a misdemeanor crimes. If they are so worried about Hispanic people not having a green card with a fraction of the money they get from the government for one of these prisons the people could have cards but they don’t want that. If the USA keeps going in the direction of greed, hate, abuse, inhumane treatment of others it will just get worse. A persons life will eventually have no value then what .It will spread like a virus and grow stronger till it harms us all. Its easier to do the wrong thing than to do the right one.

    Immigrants For Sale

    Immigrants For Sale is a ground-breaking online documentary series that goes inside the private immigrant detention industry, through the lens of those most impacted, the players behind the trade and the multi-billion dollar profits that fuel it all.

    170 messages

    Stop Immigrant Detention For Profits!

     Add message for media, legislators & public officials

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  • signed Side With Justice Over Racism! 2012-04-26 17:11:16 -0700
    Stop the hate against race. The USA is not just white people it is all people all races. The unfair treatment and lies spread to create hate mainly towards Latinos and we all need to work together to make the USA a better place for all not just some. AZ is determined to control what their people think and what they learn.We are educated people but these types of laws turn people into animals. Hunting , attacking and abusing for what?, lack of a piece of paper.AZ has another agenda could it be prisons for profit? Could be. But this kind of attitude towards immigrants must be stopped. With all the money they are willing to waste it could be better used to work with the immigrants that live here towards getting their papers.If we allow this to pass it will cause more hate and will spread like a virus until we have people killing each other.Its time to move forward with a more intelligent & fair solution one without the hate.

    Side With Justice Over Racism!


    The United States Supreme Court is hearing arguments in Arizona v. United States, the Obama administration’s challenge to Arizona’s anti-immigration law, SB1070. What they won't be hearing is what and who has fueled this discriminatory legislation.

    Will justice triumph over racial profiling and discrimination fueled by supremacist and nativist fringe groups? We need to stand together in this most pressing time.

    We need to show that together we reject this hate agenda.

    Sign the pledge stating that YOU side with justice over racism! 

    2,537 signatures
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  • signed Debbie: Say No To CCA! 2012-04-09 11:22:30 -0700
    The abuse and taking advantage of immigrants needs to stop these are people/human beings. making money off of them as gone on long enough.How about using some of the money you want to build more prisons to help them get a green card you will make more money on taxes and adding to our economy.We are taking away their kids and keeping the parents locked up longer than necessary to make money.This is so wrong. We are stooping really low to take advantage of the less unfortunate , poor and hard working people. It makes me sick to see what it happening

    Debbie: Say No To CCA!

    Why is FL Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz siding with the Corrections Corporation of America and not her constituents in Southwest Ranches? 98% of her constituents DO NOT want a new for-profit immigrant detention center!


    9,308 signatures


    We call on Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-20) to WITHDRAW her current endorsements for CCA’s project.

    The Obama Administration announced a change in the priorities for detentions and deportations, to focus on real national security concerns, not on separating parents from their children or deporting DREAMers who are only seeking a better future.

    It is time for ICE to stop the immigrant money making machine and tell CCA to GO AWAY from Southwest Ranches.

    THIS PETITION IS NOW CLOSED - WE REACHED OUR GOAL!!! But feel free to leave your comment! 

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