If You Don't Speak Up, They Will Speak For You...

Marilyn Deyoung, CAPS

Latino immigrant "babies can join a gang, latino babies grow up."

Don't let this absurdity drive immigration reform!
Jim Gilchrist, MINUTEMEN

Latino immigrants "are bottomless feeders."

Don't let this racism drive immigration reform!
Harry Hughes, NEO-NAZIS

Latino immigrants are "disposable, throw-away people."

Don't let this hate drive immigration reform!
Scott Powelson, CCIR

Latino "immigrants are criminals and are importing corruption."

Don't let this fear-mongering drive immigration reform!
Rush Limbaugh

"A full 75% of voting hispanics believe prosperity is the job of the government."

Don't let these lies drive immigration reform!
Ann Coulter

"Immigrants who come to this country instantly have illegitimate children."

Don't let this racism drive immigration reform."
Bill O'Reilly

"If we legalize immigrants who are here they get more on the welfare entitlement train."

Don't let this fear-mongering drive immigration reform!
Neil Cavuto

"Releasing immigrants from detention is dumb."

Don't let this absurdity drive immigration reform!

Don’t let anti-immigrant rhetoric drive the immigration debate. Nativist, racist and fear-mongering hate groups are working hard to drive their narrative on immigration. For years now, anti-immigrant groups have successfully infused their message into the national immigration debate. Influencing local politicians and national figures - with the same talking points: "More punishment", "Militarize the border", "Massive deportations", "More Enforcement." This has resulted in dangerous policies that have led to flagrant violation of human rights.

It is time we put basic immigrant, human rights back in the forefront of our national values and priorities! Let Congress and the President know that to reform immigration they must prioritize "Immigrant rights before enforcement."Add your name and message - make sure your voice is heard!
1,378 signatures

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