Realest Girl in SF gives Obama Cabinet Member the Low-down on Changes in the Mission District


Image Source: gwendolen on flickr

An Everett middle school student, who remains anonymous, answered honestly when asked about some of the changes going on in her neighborhood. During Shaun Donovan's, President Obama's secretary of Housing and Urban Development, visit to her school she shared her thoughts on the Mission after the take over of, wait for it, white people. Read her opinion and Donovan's reaction below.

### Via SF Weekly

Everett Middle School, on Church Street in the Mission District, is one of the city's most-improved public schools. It's also a hotbed of realness.

The latter was on display Tuesday during a visit to the school by Shaun Donovan, Barack Obama's secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

At the behest of Donovan and school Principal Lena Van Haren, a table-full of students were asked to opine on their likes and dislikes. You know, the usual. Muni was trod upon, of course, but then it got a little real -- a young Mission District native was asked what changed the neighborhood.



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