Esther Daniels's activity stream

  • signed I Pledge Support Wal-Mart Workers on Black Friday via 2012-11-23 00:30:08 -0800
    When WalMart fails to provide Living wages, affordable medical plans, and portable retirement plans , taxpayers end up subsidizing WalMart, When its workers have to get emergency medical care because their plan sucks, or they retire when they wear out are injured, and only have social security, they then need welfare/SSI. WalMart needs to take responsibility for their workers instead of putting it on taxpayer backs.

    I Pledge to Support Wal-Mart Workers On Black Friday


    Help make change by holding Walmart corporate managers accountable to hourly employees and the public for their practices. Join with community leaders in major cities across America to make sure that any new jobs offered by Walmart meet strong standards for healthy, growing communities. 

    Pledge to support and join in the strike!


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