Lesley Hudson's activity stream

  • signed I Pledge Support Wal-Mart Workers on Black Friday via 2012-11-23 02:53:29 -0800
    Wal-Mart is our largest employer and as such other companies follow their lead in the way it treats its employees. It has a ripple effect throughout the economy. As working people, union or not, we all have a stake in this struggle. Supporting this strike is essential

    I Pledge to Support Wal-Mart Workers On Black Friday


    Help make change by holding Walmart corporate managers accountable to hourly employees and the public for their practices. Join with community leaders in major cities across America to make sure that any new jobs offered by Walmart meet strong standards for healthy, growing communities. 

    Pledge to support and join in the strike!


    3,007 pledges
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  • signed Side With Justice Over Racism! 2012-04-26 05:22:19 -0700
    I actually understand where the Supreme Court is going with this and I lay at the door of Congress and the Oval Office the fact that an unjust result will be a testimony to the failure of the Federal government to own this issue and fight for the Dream Act and a balanced immigration policy. Parenthetically the “problem” of illegal immigration is “solving” itself as the traffic over the border is starting to flow in the other direction and in-country as birth rates decline with greater educational achievement. Demographics is destiny. Meanwhile it is appalling that the wild and unnecessary hysteria and xenophobia on the right is hijacking the conversation, as they have managed to do on so many other issues. Time for the left to grow some cojones.

    Side With Justice Over Racism!


    The United States Supreme Court is hearing arguments in Arizona v. United States, the Obama administration’s challenge to Arizona’s anti-immigration law, SB1070. What they won't be hearing is what and who has fueled this discriminatory legislation.

    Will justice triumph over racial profiling and discrimination fueled by supremacist and nativist fringe groups? We need to stand together in this most pressing time.

    We need to show that together we reject this hate agenda.

    Sign the pledge stating that YOU side with justice over racism! 

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