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  • signed Investigate The Maricopa County Elections Department 2012-10-23 18:44:12 -0700
    As an American as a voter i demand investigation and hold everyone involved accountable.

    its appalling and shameful the constant abuse being put upon a People who are Ancestrally Indigenous to AZ (incl: CA, NV & NM). if its not AZ state troopers harrassing all people of color driving through, not even staying, its the constant verbal abuse & bullying attitude of AZ’s county officals (Arpaio) & govenor (Brewer) & their misguided potentially armed & dangerous “patriotic” supporters – this particular incident is just a small example of a blatant disrespect disregard for our voting system: a slap in the face to democracy, to the American Flag & ALL Americans INCLUDING European immigrants who came to this great land in search of a better life, freedom, the American Dream…SHAME ON ARIZONA but SHAME ON US IF WE DONT HOLD ANYONE ACCOUNTABLE

    Investigate The Maricopa County Elections Department

    566 signatures

    The Maricopa County Elections Department Is Spreading Misinformation On Their Spanish Language Voting Literature. 

    Sign the petition to demand an investigation of the Maricopa County Elections Department! This is a blatant attack on the voter rights of Latinos in Maricopa County. If the Elections Department falls short in admitting that this is fraud, they must at least be investigated for these detrimental mistakes! 


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