Malcolm Nazareth 53pc

Malcolm Nazareth

Malcolm Nazareth's activity stream

  • signed [VIDEO] What Steve King Has In Mind When He Hears 'Latino Outreach' 2013-07-27 19:19:46 -0700
    A humane country has humane policies toward its immigrants. Aren’t we a nation mostly of immigrants anyway?

    [VIDEO] What Steve King Has In Mind When He Hears 'Latino Outreach'


     “For everyone who’s a valedictorian, there’s another 100 out there that weigh 130 pounds and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert."

    Don't Let Them Hijack Immigration Reform! 

    Demand A Humane Immigration Policy Today. 


    4,230 signatures
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  • signed Immigrants For Sale 2013-04-01 13:12:15 -0700
    Barbaric practices such as profiteering on the bodies of immigrants can have no place in my nation.

    Immigrants For Sale

    Immigrants For Sale is a ground-breaking online documentary series that goes inside the private immigrant detention industry, through the lens of those most impacted, the players behind the trade and the multi-billion dollar profits that fuel it all.

    170 messages

    Stop Immigrant Detention For Profits!

     Add message for media, legislators & public officials

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