Shift in Migrant Routes Bring Rising Death Tolls to Southern Texas


Image Source: TaylorB90 on Flickr

The Associated Press has published an article stating that Southern Texas is experiencing more border crossings than ever before. This has caused a great shift from more popular routes in Arizona, bringing a rise in Migrant death tolls to places like Brooks County, Texas that does not have the adequate resources to take on matters like these. While county officials try to get some answers, residents are taking an active role in humanizing the Migrant tragedies. 

### Via The NY Times

FALFURRIAS, Tex. — By the time the woman perished, she had probably slogged 25 miles through dry ranch lands in her quest to enter the United States. She was found just feet from a highway where she might have been picked up and taken to Houston with other migrants making the same journey.

Not long ago, her body would have been taken to a funeral home for a cursory attempt at identification, then buried in this town an hour north of the Mexico border under a sign reading “unknown female.”


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