James Snively's activity stream

  • signed [VIDEO] What Steve King Has In Mind When He Hears 'Latino Outreach' 2013-07-27 08:38:04 -0700

    [VIDEO] What Steve King Has In Mind When He Hears 'Latino Outreach'


     “For everyone who’s a valedictorian, there’s another 100 out there that weigh 130 pounds and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert."

    Don't Let Them Hijack Immigration Reform! 

    Demand A Humane Immigration Policy Today. 


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  • I Pledge to Support Wal-Mart Workers On Black Friday


    Help make change by holding Walmart corporate managers accountable to hourly employees and the public for their practices. Join with community leaders in major cities across America to make sure that any new jobs offered by Walmart meet strong standards for healthy, growing communities. 

    Pledge to support and join in the strike!


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  • signed Side With Justice Over Racism! 2012-04-25 15:23:18 -0700
    Hostility to people of color exposes the desperation of the White race in general, and the worsening impotence of White males in particular. By sheer chance I was born a White male, but I have no problem with the historical reality that the U.S. is a nation of immigrants.

    Side With Justice Over Racism!


    The United States Supreme Court is hearing arguments in Arizona v. United States, the Obama administration’s challenge to Arizona’s anti-immigration law, SB1070. What they won't be hearing is what and who has fueled this discriminatory legislation.

    Will justice triumph over racial profiling and discrimination fueled by supremacist and nativist fringe groups? We need to stand together in this most pressing time.

    We need to show that together we reject this hate agenda.

    Sign the pledge stating that YOU side with justice over racism! 

    2,537 signatures
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  • signed Debbie: Say No To CCA! 2012-04-07 13:19:52 -0700

    Debbie: Say No To CCA!

    Why is FL Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz siding with the Corrections Corporation of America and not her constituents in Southwest Ranches? 98% of her constituents DO NOT want a new for-profit immigrant detention center!


    9,308 signatures


    We call on Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-20) to WITHDRAW her current endorsements for CCA’s project.

    The Obama Administration announced a change in the priorities for detentions and deportations, to focus on real national security concerns, not on separating parents from their children or deporting DREAMers who are only seeking a better future.

    It is time for ICE to stop the immigrant money making machine and tell CCA to GO AWAY from Southwest Ranches.

    THIS PETITION IS NOW CLOSED - WE REACHED OUR GOAL!!! But feel free to leave your comment! 

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