Barry Levy's activity stream

  • signed I Pledge Support Wal-Mart Workers on Black Friday via 2012-11-23 08:59:35 -0800
    The antiquated Wal-Mart business model is based on treating workers as disposable objects, like sponges not human beings. Paying wages so low that most employees have to secure one or two other jobs, depending on the size of their families, or medical costs. Locking employees in their stores and forcing them to work overtime for which they get paid straight time, if they get paid for it at all. Punishing them with late-night or holiday shifts that interfere with family care if they even partake in a discussion about collective bargaining. These tactics are condemned when the Chinese do it, so why is it tolerated here? Why do we allow it? Wal-Mart needs to be taught a lesson: People Over Profit, not the other way around.

    I Pledge to Support Wal-Mart Workers On Black Friday


    Help make change by holding Walmart corporate managers accountable to hourly employees and the public for their practices. Join with community leaders in major cities across America to make sure that any new jobs offered by Walmart meet strong standards for healthy, growing communities. 

    Pledge to support and join in the strike!


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