David Brookbank 16pc

David Brookbank

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  • signed If You Don't Speak Up, They Will Speak For You... 2013-03-28 18:10:12 -0700
    As a US vice consul at the Mexico-US border in Matamoros, Mexico from 1992 to 1994, I issued thousands upon thousands of visas to Mexican citizens, many of whom remained in the US, like the young female maquiladora workers who were earning a few US dollars per day in Mexico, less than they would earn in a couple hours in the US. No one doubted and the US government knew that many, many of these visa recipients would remain in the US, most to work in major US capitalist industries anxious for their hard work, industries such as hotels, construction, restaurants, agriculture, child care, and care for the elderly. Virtually all of these “undocumented” human beings are here with the explicit or implicit invitation of the US government and/or US corporations, who often recruited worker in Mexico and assisted them in skirting the US border control system which often conspired in allowing people to enter the US for the needs of the market. Time to legalize people expediently, without punitive penalties, and with a prompt pathway to citizenship.