Border Patrol is Rewarded With Incentives for Arrests


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According to a report released by the immigrant rights group Families for Freedom and NYU School of Law Immigrant Rights Clinic

Certain USBP agents are awarded – at the discretion of the station manager – a cash bonus in addition to their salary.These awards generally range from $1,500 to $2,500, and vary for each awardee. Awardees receive the cash bonus in their payroll paycheck, and are not formally given notice or explanation of why they received the bonus unless they request it from their supervisor.

The Huffington Post reports that the wrongful arrests of hundreds of people in New York by the Border Patrol may have been caused by the incentives being awarded to them. Such rewards are higher pay, extra vacation time and giftcards to retail stores like Home Depot.

Border Patrol has arrested up to 300 people around the Buffalo area in New York, they are accused of no crime but instead are detained because they did not carry immigration papers or complete citizenship.

In the Buffalo Sector the Border Patrol is encouraged to engage in casual conversations with travelers, they ask them about their national origin and immigration status, depending on the answers they decide if they are arrested or not.

Found in the research, The Border Patrol has recorded that 10 percent of their wrongful arrests are done at the Rochester train and bus hubs. 

These incentives can be the cause of why the Border Patrol has arrested many who have a legal status and that because of racial profiling are accused of being undocumented. 

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