George Polisner 88pc

George Polisner

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  • signed Investigate The Maricopa County Elections Department 2012-10-23 11:54:36 -0700
    An election is a fundamental pillar in the American political system. The errors committed by Maricopa County are either the result of voter suppression in which the U.S. Department of Justice should engage or a matter of gross incompetence and negligence. In any event the matter should be corrected at once -and the State of Arizona and Maricopa County should spare no expense in making sure that every voter has correct and accurate information with regard to the physical polling place for that voter and the date/time in which to vote.

    Investigate The Maricopa County Elections Department

    566 signatures

    The Maricopa County Elections Department Is Spreading Misinformation On Their Spanish Language Voting Literature. 

    Sign the petition to demand an investigation of the Maricopa County Elections Department! This is a blatant attack on the voter rights of Latinos in Maricopa County. If the Elections Department falls short in admitting that this is fraud, they must at least be investigated for these detrimental mistakes! 


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