nora guadalajara 27pc

nora guadalajara

nora guadalajara's activity stream

  • signed Immigrants For Sale 2014-04-09 06:38:57 -0700

    Immigrants For Sale

    Immigrants For Sale is a ground-breaking online documentary series that goes inside the private immigrant detention industry, through the lens of those most impacted, the players behind the trade and the multi-billion dollar profits that fuel it all.

    170 messages

    Stop Immigrant Detention For Profits!

     Add message for media, legislators & public officials

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  • commented on California court allows undocumented immigrant to practice law 2014-01-02 12:45:31 -0800
    si se pudo y si se PUEDE!!!!

  • signed Side With Justice Over Racism! 2012-04-26 20:00:41 -0700

    Side With Justice Over Racism!


    The United States Supreme Court is hearing arguments in Arizona v. United States, the Obama administration’s challenge to Arizona’s anti-immigration law, SB1070. What they won't be hearing is what and who has fueled this discriminatory legislation.

    Will justice triumph over racial profiling and discrimination fueled by supremacist and nativist fringe groups? We need to stand together in this most pressing time.

    We need to show that together we reject this hate agenda.

    Sign the pledge stating that YOU side with justice over racism! 

    2,537 signatures
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