Hiroko Watanabe 4pc

Hiroko Watanabe

Hiroko Watanabe's activity stream

  • signed Side With Justice Over Racism! 2012-06-20 21:27:46 -0700
    As Japanese Americans, born and raised in America, and American citizens, my father’s entire family suffered in the internment camps during WWII, most of them dying from the poor conditions. Under the guise of protection, it was really the purest form of racism, ethnocentrism, and fear. I lost my family to bigotry. No one else should have to suffer from that, not Latinos, not Muslims, not anyone in America, the land of the free.

    Side With Justice Over Racism!


    The United States Supreme Court is hearing arguments in Arizona v. United States, the Obama administration’s challenge to Arizona’s anti-immigration law, SB1070. What they won't be hearing is what and who has fueled this discriminatory legislation.

    Will justice triumph over racial profiling and discrimination fueled by supremacist and nativist fringe groups? We need to stand together in this most pressing time.

    We need to show that together we reject this hate agenda.

    Sign the pledge stating that YOU side with justice over racism! 

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