If You Don't Speak Up, They Will Speak For You...

Marilyn Deyoung, CAPS

Latino immigrant "babies can join a gang, latino babies grow up."

Don't let this absurdity drive immigration reform!
Jim Gilchrist, MINUTEMEN

Latino immigrants "are bottomless feeders."

Don't let this racism drive immigration reform!
Harry Hughes, NEO-NAZIS

Latino immigrants are "disposable, throw-away people."

Don't let this hate drive immigration reform!
Scott Powelson, CCIR

Latino "immigrants are criminals and are importing corruption."

Don't let this fear-mongering drive immigration reform!
Rush Limbaugh

"A full 75% of voting hispanics believe prosperity is the job of the government."

Don't let these lies drive immigration reform!
Ann Coulter

"Immigrants who come to this country instantly have illegitimate children."

Don't let this racism drive immigration reform."
Bill O'Reilly

"If we legalize immigrants who are here they get more on the welfare entitlement train."

Don't let this fear-mongering drive immigration reform!
Neil Cavuto

"Releasing immigrants from detention is dumb."

Don't let this absurdity drive immigration reform!

Don’t let anti-immigrant rhetoric drive the immigration debate. Nativist, racist and fear-mongering hate groups are working hard to drive their narrative on immigration. For years now, anti-immigrant groups have successfully infused their message into the national immigration debate. Influencing local politicians and national figures - with the same talking points: "More punishment", "Militarize the border", "Massive deportations", "More Enforcement." This has resulted in dangerous policies that have led to flagrant violation of human rights.

It is time we put basic immigrant, human rights back in the forefront of our national values and priorities! Let Congress and the President know that to reform immigration they must prioritize "Immigrant rights before enforcement."Add your name and message - make sure your voice is heard!
1,378 signatures

get the word out

  • Carolee Wood
    signed 2013-03-12 15:11:05 -0700
    The U.S. took land from Mexico. We took land from and killed Native Americans when we immigrated to the “New World”. We either need a better memory or greater knowledge of our own beginnings.
  • Dian Fowler
    signed 2013-03-12 08:07:51 -0700
  • Ivy Rose Nightscales Williams
    signed 2013-03-12 06:54:41 -0700
    Its so convenient for the 1% and other super wealthy to cover their crimes by blaming migrant workers. They represent the 4th reich. We represent a new world of social justice, open borders and true freedom with common decency which these politicians are sadly lacking.
  • curt clay
    signed 2013-03-09 20:50:50 -0800
    I have always said,Open the borders & let everyone in! If we think too many will come, then we should stop creating & collaborating in the conditions they are escaping from. Immigrants love their home countries, wouldn’t leave if they could live a safe, fulfilling life there. But they are also making this country a better place, and I am happy they are here!
  • Grace Mangones
    signed 2013-03-09 01:31:33 -0800
    Thank You, for the great job you are doing SPREADING the Word..
  • Susan Weber
    signed 2013-03-07 18:56:56 -0800
  • Ana Guerrrro
    signed 2013-03-06 18:54:49 -0800
  • Lynda Pauling
    signed 2013-03-06 17:37:39 -0800
  • miguel villanueva
    signed 2013-03-06 17:17:37 -0800
    lets keep in mind that they do this every time the usa is broke in debt? why do you believe they freed the black slaves? well i say no becuz there is a new kind of slavery & its the politically plan? they did this in the 80s with ronald reagan why every one was on welfare they gave amnesty? then deportations started? well guess what is about to happen again! WE do not have to be put through trail or probation etc to be dehumanize humiliated to be excepted as human beings period
  • Jovita Diaz McNair
    signed 2013-03-06 16:59:58 -0800
  • Mia Murrietta
    signed 2013-03-06 15:31:51 -0800
  • Priscilla sanville
    signed 2013-03-06 05:03:37 -0800
  • Norene Bailey
    signed 2013-03-05 23:53:18 -0800
    I echo Seth and Melissa’s comments…
  • james holguin
    signed 2013-03-05 23:16:55 -0800
    It hurts me to see so much ignorance and in tolerance by people who

    believe they are the true “Americans”. People who have that much hate in their hearts will never be happy and I feel sorry for their lack of education. I am a son of a Immigrant.
  • Nicole Schnittger
    signed 2013-03-04 23:39:42 -0800
    We are not a country of cruelity. There must be a decent solution to this above all else. Nearly every person in this country derive from immigrant ancestory. People are fleeing for their lives. And I do not want to see the day arrive when we cannot at least have the common human decency to treat these non-violent emmigrators with Golden respect.
  • Juan Ramirez
    signed via 2013-03-04 20:06:43 -0800
  • Joanie Laine
    signed 2013-03-04 20:02:32 -0800
  • Andres Sanz
    signed 2013-03-04 16:19:25 -0800
  • Rhina Ramos
    signed 2013-03-04 16:07:55 -0800
  • Seth Mosgofian
    signed 2013-03-04 15:03:27 -0800
    If all the undocumented workers were deported our country would come to a screeching halt. If we really want to stop migration into the U.S., especially from our southern border, our government needs to exert its tremendous influence on the Mexican government to create living wage jobs in its own country. Clearly we don’t want to stop the the influx because that would greatly limit U.S. companies’ ability to hire and exploit cheap labor. That’s exactly what immigrant work permits are all about. You can come here to work, but can’t bring your family = we want cheap labor and your tax dollars, but you can’t call it home. We need real reform that offers a reasonable path to citizenship or we need to influence our neighbors to treat their own citizens well enough that they don’t need to leave their own country in order to earn a good living.
  • Melissa McGuire-Maniau
    signed 2013-03-04 13:04:26 -0800
    To properly address our country’s broken immigration system, we must first begin with acknowledging that this is a MAN MADE problem. We played a large role in causing this migration pattern through NAFTA, our role on the war on drugs, and allowing our weapons to be transferred to Mexico and in the hands of criminals. We have a moral responsibility to make this right. So I urge congress, and President Obama, to do the right thing. Doing the right thing does not mean allocating more resources to border security and enforcement. Doing the right thing means allocating enough resources to USCIS and the immigration court system so that we can properly process 11 million undocumeted individuals. Immigrants deserve to have their right to due process respected. Immigrants should have access to an immigration attorney, whether they have the funds to secure one or not. And if an immigrant poses a real threat to our society, then he or she should be processed out of the country in a fair and humane manner. Immigration is about PEOPLE, not bargaining chips. Still today the conversation is more about enforcement, and the economic benefit to our country and little about how we are going to work towards fully integrating these individuals. I call on congress to change the tone and rhetoric of this conversation to one that is more reflective of our American values of fairness and equality. And I call on congress to get REAL Comprehensive Immigration Reform DONE!
  • Judah Viola
    signed 2013-03-04 11:04:51 -0800
  • Taylor Hayes
    signed 2013-03-04 09:21:01 -0800
  • Robert Dolan
    signed 2013-03-02 18:09:22 -0800
    Human rights are just that, for all humans, immigrants too.
  • Elizabeth Sirico
    signed 2013-03-02 14:26:34 -0800
  • Lupe Yarrito
    signed 2013-03-02 11:33:39 -0800
  • Arizbeth Montoya
    signed 2013-03-01 22:25:38 -0800
  • Debby Dieckman
    signed via 2013-03-01 19:11:09 -0800
  • John Parker
    signed 2013-03-01 17:10:07 -0800
  • Jonathan Rodriguez
    signed 2013-03-01 15:34:18 -0800
    I guess racism is always gonna exist its just sad that alot of people are so closed minded and dont relize that this people they call imigrants are noy so ddifferent from me and you we all live this life with the same purpose as every one else