Side With Justice Over Racism!


The United States Supreme Court is hearing arguments in Arizona v. United States, the Obama administration’s challenge to Arizona’s anti-immigration law, SB1070. What they won't be hearing is what and who has fueled this discriminatory legislation.

Will justice triumph over racial profiling and discrimination fueled by supremacist and nativist fringe groups? We need to stand together in this most pressing time.

We need to show that together we reject this hate agenda.

Sign the pledge stating that YOU side with justice over racism! 

GOAL: 10,000 signatures

Will you sign?

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  • annabel torres
    signed 2012-04-28 14:49:54 -0700
  • Maria Gonzalez
    signed 2012-04-28 14:49:32 -0700
  • Steve Lovelace
    signed 2012-04-28 14:49:28 -0700
  • Carlos Mendez
    signed 2012-04-28 14:49:26 -0700
  • Araceli Beltran
    signed 2012-04-28 14:49:02 -0700
    Stop the hate!
  • Paul Wernquist
    signed 2012-04-28 14:48:42 -0700
    Stop the hate!
  • Timothy Gilmore
    signed 2012-04-28 09:59:34 -0700
    In this book the reader will find many unpleasant truths about the American government, Capitalism and other related fields of endeavor. The statements made have been researched and an extensive bibliography is provided. An open mind, a productive nature and a willingness to help others less fortunate are necessary for every humane person. Yet there are those whose actions reflect fear, expressed by intolerance of others. Ways may be found to resolve differences and meet the needs of human society without recourse to violence and war.
    This book is presented as a personal analysis of the world’s two basic problems; fear and the use of money. Working to rid the world of both is to work for freedom, truth, lasting peace and a healthy, happy humanity.
    excerpt from, “Ultimate Poverty, Unlimited Wealth”
    In America, our politicians are, by and large, venal, self-seeking incompetents, our justice system is a joke, and our government reigns as the oafish, club-wielding Neanderthal of international politics. Our economy, along with the rest of the world, is bankrupt. Our monies are worth only the paper they’re printed on. Our children are safer in the streets than school, healthcare is for those who can afford it, and while services for the destitute and the public are cut year after year, the salaries and benefits of our elected leaders climb along with crime and homelessness.
    The world is surfeited with vital public facilities and transportation avenues in desperate need of repair, but the necessary repairs cannot be effected because of “a lack of money”. The expertise and unemployed workers are available but are prevented from working: No money, no work. No money, no food or rent, either. Yet millions are made and lost every minute the Wall Streets of the world are open. Corporations moving production overseas where child-laborers earn as much as a dollar a day or where prisoners and others are used as slave labor see profits rise. But that’s Capitalism for you.
    excerpt from “Ultimate Poverty, Unlimited Wealth”
    Both Capitalism and Communism are guilty of forcing poverty on their citizens because there must be a demand for money for it to have value, otherwise no ‘profits’ are possible. A desperate and moneyless class of people is necessary for those with money to sustain capitalism, the ruling elite and the pampered way of life to which the wealthy have grown very accustomed.
    Soviet and Chinese Communists created fascist states which even today brutally suppress dissent and democracy, resulting in huge bureaucracies so corrupt and punitive they make present-day Republicans blush with envy. In America this corruption and brutality is known as “the War on Drugs”. The cold war between America, the USSR and China wasn’t one of ideology; it was simply one totalitarian regime competing with other totalitarian regimes for economic and military superiority. Now that Russia and China have become economic colonies of America, be assured conditions for the vast majority of proletariats will not improve. Running dogs now surf the wave of the future.
    excerpt from, “Ultimate Poverty, Unlimited Wealth”,
    Fascism: government by rigid, one-party dictatorship, forcible suppression of the opposition (unions, other, especially leftist, parties, minority groups, etc.,) the retention of private ownership of the means of production under centralized government control, belligerent nationalism and racism, glorification of war, etc. See also Nazism. (Webster’s New 20th Century Dictionary).
    A sociopath is ‘a psychopathic personality whose behavior is aggressively antisocial’. To be antisocial is to be ‘hostile to the existence of society or the principles on which it is founded; against the welfare of the people generally’. A psychopathic personality is ‘characterized by emotional instability, lack of sound judgment, perverse and impulsive (often criminal) behavior, inability to learn from experience, amoral and asocial feelings, and other serious personality defects,’ (Webster’s New 20th Century Dictionary)
    These definitions fit Republican politicians and Blue-dog Democrats to a “T’. Why do we give these fascist, antisocial psychopathic Republican politicians credence? Why are we allowing them to destroy America? Americans are suffering, starving, dying and it’s their fault! Feckless* Democrats such as President Obama are also to blame, allowing this to happen so political capital can be generated and the Democrat re-elected.

    excerpt from: “Ultimate Poverty, Unlimited Wealth”
    Christianity (Catholic, Protestant and cult) is based on communism. Since their inception many Christian religious communities have been run along communist principles, as are Jewish kibbutzim. The Peace Corps is communistic, along with other peoples’ efforts to assist impoverished people worldwide. The Boy Scouts, the military, the Red Cross, March of Dimes, telethons and all community cleanup efforts are communistic in nature, purpose and effect. Globally, many governments are socialistic where citizens’ benefits far outweigh anything enjoyed in America at present except by politicians and the wealthy. But that’s Capitalism for you.
    When you condemn communism, you condemn many aspects of daily American society and the workplace now taken for granted as being capitalistic. The volunteers of today who number in the millions in America and hundreds of millions around the globe are communally oriented and communistic in action. Those who organize programs for the impoverished, donating time and efforts freely is exactly what this book is about; why it’s best to help others and to do it freely, willingly, lovingly, thanking God for an opportunity to help someone. Locally, they help communities and people suffering losses through natural disasters, the impoverished in cities, the abused, the sick, the refugee. They work internationally to help communities become more independent, empowering people brutalized by their governments, wars and transnational corporations.
    excerpt from, “Ultimate Poverty, Unlimited Wealth”
    The book “1984” was a warning of what governments were becoming but should not. The American, Chinese and Russian governments used it as a ‘how-to’ manual. The abuses by Nazi and Communistic leaders are mirrored in the war crimes of our presidents. 150 years before Hitler, Americans were slaughtering 100,000,000 First Nations’ people. Yet even here, they were merely following the rapacity of Christian Europe, more especially Great Britain and Spain, in their avarice and genocide. The civilized nations lost: It was the barbarians who won. Today First Nations still suffer the worst health and living conditions in America. Meanwhile, African, Hispanic and Bharati children continue to be sold into slavery and prostitution, Russians still purge Jews, China continues to lash Tibet and American-backed Israeli soldiers use Palestinians for target practice.
    excerpt from, “Ultimate Poverty, Unlimited Wealth” ,
    To be reduced to living in filthy dumps eating garbage and vermin in order to survive; to lose self respect and the respect of loved ones; to lose one’s home, possessions, livelihood, health and life because of a lack of something as unnecessary as money are tragedies that, hopefully, future generations will be able to avoid forever.
    Poverty is having to sell your children so the remaining family members may survive awhile longer. Poverty is people buying infants, drugging them and cutting off their legs and one arm; as the children grow up, they beg on street corners for their owners. This is somewhat like the Middle Ages. Comprachicos, or child buyers, would buy infants from impoverished parents, put them bent over into ceramic vases, sometimes having to break their bones first, then allowed to grow into whatever shape the ceramic vase had. The unfortunate survivors were used to amuse royalty and the wealthy.
    Poverty is homeless families living on one square of pavement for generations. It’s nine- and ten- year-old prostitutes and children abandoned by the tens of thousands in the big cities of the world, or orphaned by the many wars spawned by America. Forced into child labor, abused by adults and taught to use drugs, they eventually become criminals or unclaimed corpses in a morgue. It’s a mind numbing, soul-destroying existence that breeds crime, ignorance and ill health. But that’s Capitalism for you.
    For the governments of today, such sufferings are more desirable than cutting into corporate profits or decreasing their own salaries and benefits to rectify these deplorable conditions.
    excerpt from, “Ultimate Poverty, Unlimited Wealth” ,
    Contrary to propaganda, America was not founded on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but on plunder, genocide and slavery; in the 1700’s only the moneyed and landowners were counted as citizens, and it was basically money and power that sparked the War of Independence, along with most other wars in history. Those who owned the land, not the people who lived on it and worked it for their masters, were represented (or not) in Parliament. The rest were dirt poor farmers, indentured servants and slaves without a vote and no rights. They were considered property, like slaves or cattle or women, when they were considered at all. First Nations people had it worse. It wasn’t until 1820 all White males could vote and generations more before Blacks, the First People* or women were allowed to vote.

    Today we have misrepresentation. Politicians tell us they act in our interests. Not true. Their primary concerns are keeping their jobs and satisfying corporate interests rather than those of their constituents. There is the occasional elected official who genuinely seeks to work for the people, but these are the exceptions that prove the rule. Laws benefiting the common people are ‘lagniappe’, small legislative tokens to satisfy the lower classes and citizens’ advocacy groups. We must constantly fight Congress for our most basic civil rights, such as the right to form unions and strike for better working conditions, to prevent them from being lost to corporate interests. In other countries supported by our military advisers and tax monies they simply shoot the citizens’ advocates and union leaders.
    excerpt from, “Ultimate Poverty, Unlimited Wealth”
    If, throughout the 20th century, one scientific commission after another had proved the world was round, and the United States government consistently denied their findings and imprisoned those who thought so and taught so, the government very properly would have been asked to resign with its first attempt to jail someone. The people responsible for having marijuana and hemp made illegal did so for the most venal motives using the most deceptive means, and this injustice continues today worldwide, at gunpoint, by America.
    In Jack Herer’s book, “The Emperor Wears No Clothes,” how and why this was done has been exhaustively researched and documented. Many articles in the book track the trail of dishonor from its inception in the 30’s to the present-day “War on Drugs” as being nothing more than terrorist activity by the US government against private citizens, its own and internationally. Why does our government do this to us, we who are their constituents, their fellow citizens and co-workers?
    Christian ministers railed against anesthesia when it was first invented because it meant women no longer had to bear children in pain. Marijuana was used medicinally for millennia before its use was outlawed by an outlaw government. There is proof of its use throughout human history. Seeds and leaf have been found with mummies. Women in every culture that had access to it have used it to alleviate the pain associated with childbirth. It was listed in the American Pharmacopoeia of medicines for centuries. It was used 2,000 years ago by women in a Roman province known as Judea. Very probably Mary, giving birth to Jesus, was stoned at the time.
    excerpt from, “Ultimate Poverty, Unlimited Wealth”,
  • cynthia mortensen
    signed 2012-04-28 09:24:23 -0700
  • sweet harris
    signed 2012-04-28 08:41:55 -0700
  • Eric Love
    signed 2012-04-28 08:41:00 -0700
  • biff Michael Appia
    signed 2012-04-28 08:25:35 -0700
    Just the gender war alone should tell you how bad racism is.
    When I was a child in the 60’s you could beat & rape your wife. Class was not an issue. We just pretended that people of upper-middle class & up didn’t.
    Now we still lie about the gender/race issue by saying that the U.S. was made for freedom, that slavery/genocide mean democracy, like the Greeks/Romans. Indoctrination is important. Like only middle-eastern religions are real…..BULL.
  • vernon carter
    signed 2012-04-28 08:15:44 -0700
  • Steve Bohrer
    signed 2012-04-28 07:37:26 -0700
    Seems like FAIR is selling their case with racially motivated statistics that their propaganda division creates.
  • Bonnie Hearthstone
    signed 2012-04-28 07:31:41 -0700
  • Alonzo Smith
    signed 2012-04-28 07:18:37 -0700
  • Susan Lada
    signed 2012-04-28 06:53:53 -0700
  • Leon Molitor
    signed 2012-04-28 05:24:58 -0700
  • Florence Gilchrist
    signed 2012-04-28 04:58:50 -0700
  • Jill Lydic
    signed 2012-04-28 04:58:36 -0700
  • helena marcus
    signed 2012-04-28 04:44:31 -0700
  • Rita Manning
    signed 2012-04-28 04:39:50 -0700
  • Beverly Thomas
    signed 2012-04-27 22:51:06 -0700
  • Terry Poplawski
    signed 2012-04-27 21:30:57 -0700
  • Lori Stoner
    signed 2012-04-27 20:18:10 -0700
  • Winfield Schmitt
    signed 2012-04-27 20:17:45 -0700
  • Patrick Murphy
    signed 2012-04-27 20:05:50 -0700
    The european descendants on this continent are all illegal immigrants. Ask any Lakota, or Apache, or Cherokee and they’ll agree.
  • Michael Caudle
    signed 2012-04-27 19:21:24 -0700
  • Scott Lazenby
    signed 2012-04-27 19:20:44 -0700
  • Nick Ospa
    signed 2012-04-27 18:56:00 -0700
  • Ronald Chacey
    signed 2012-04-27 18:49:20 -0700