Target Gives The Worst 'Multi-Cultural' Tips


According to Courthouse News, Target is being sued by some employees because it gave 'multicultural tips' that reads like a list of stereotypes.

### via Huffington Post

Three former employees are suing Target for discrimination, citing a document the company distributed to managers with reminders that not all Hispanics eat tacos and burritos or wear sombreros.

The former warehouse workers' lawsuit, filed in California's Yolo County, claims they were victims of discrimination on the job, and that Target's "Multi-Cultural Tips" for managers were themselves offensive, according to Courthouse News.

According to the complaint, Target gave its distribution warehouse managers a document entitled, "Organization Effectiveness, Employee and Labor Relations Multi-Cultural Tips," which featured suggestions on how to manage Hispanic employees. The tips addressed variety of Hispanic stereotypes, from music to food to clothing.

The document stated the following, according to the lawsuit:



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