Decline In Community College Capacity Hits Latinos Hardest


Cuéntame is getting ready to step up its On Campus efforts. We know the privatization of education and budget cuts are affecting students across the country, but it seems that in some areas Latinos are hit quite hard as the Fronteras Desk article below notes. 

If you're a community college student who has been affected by budget cuts. Please contact us at [email protected], or private message us on Facebook! We'd love to share your story!

### Via Fronteras Desk

Limited community college capacity could keep 2.5 million Californians out of the system over the next 10 years. The seat shortage is expected to fall hardest on Latino students, squeezing 840,000 out of the schools.

Since 2007, San Diego Community Colleges have cut more than 2,600 class sections, Grossmont-Cuyamaca Colleges lost 1,600 classes and Palomar College halved its summer offerings.

A new report commissioned by Corinthian Colleges, a for-profit company that runs private colleges, projects the lack of access to community college programs could cost California Latinos $17.8 billion in potential earnings by 2022.


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