If You Don't Speak Up, They Will Speak For You...

Marilyn Deyoung, CAPS

Latino immigrant "babies can join a gang, latino babies grow up."

Don't let this absurdity drive immigration reform!
Jim Gilchrist, MINUTEMEN

Latino immigrants "are bottomless feeders."

Don't let this racism drive immigration reform!
Harry Hughes, NEO-NAZIS

Latino immigrants are "disposable, throw-away people."

Don't let this hate drive immigration reform!
Scott Powelson, CCIR

Latino "immigrants are criminals and are importing corruption."

Don't let this fear-mongering drive immigration reform!
Rush Limbaugh

"A full 75% of voting hispanics believe prosperity is the job of the government."

Don't let these lies drive immigration reform!
Ann Coulter

"Immigrants who come to this country instantly have illegitimate children."

Don't let this racism drive immigration reform."
Bill O'Reilly

"If we legalize immigrants who are here they get more on the welfare entitlement train."

Don't let this fear-mongering drive immigration reform!
Neil Cavuto

"Releasing immigrants from detention is dumb."

Don't let this absurdity drive immigration reform!

Don’t let anti-immigrant rhetoric drive the immigration debate. Nativist, racist and fear-mongering hate groups are working hard to drive their narrative on immigration. For years now, anti-immigrant groups have successfully infused their message into the national immigration debate. Influencing local politicians and national figures - with the same talking points: "More punishment", "Militarize the border", "Massive deportations", "More Enforcement." This has resulted in dangerous policies that have led to flagrant violation of human rights.

It is time we put basic immigrant, human rights back in the forefront of our national values and priorities! Let Congress and the President know that to reform immigration they must prioritize "Immigrant rights before enforcement."Add your name and message - make sure your voice is heard!
1,378 signatures

get the word out

  • Victor Canales
    signed 2013-02-22 12:23:31 -0800
  • Elaine Besmer
    signed 2013-02-22 12:23:30 -0800
  • Valery Benton
    signed 2013-02-22 12:21:36 -0800
    Oops, looks like there’s yet another hole in the fence at the local looney hospital … and they all got away !

    Hey, how about videos of the exact contrary : human loving civilized Americans getting out of their way to be nice with each other (including NON Americans) ?

    I need some good news to get over all this disgusting hate talk !
  • Wanda Quallo
    signed 2013-02-22 12:21:27 -0800
    So much misinformation. Unbelievable. And even more unbelievable is that other individuals fall for this unbridled racism.
  • Deborah Rubin
    signed 2013-02-22 12:21:03 -0800
    I am horrified that anyone could view another human being as a piece of garbage or a future criminal. We all need to be judged by our own behavior and not by stereotypes of any kind. When people make racist, anti-immigrant comments, what is really going on is that they are so afraid of something that they can’t think straight. The job for these racists is to examine themselves and figure out what is going on that makes them so afraid of people that they attack them and try to destroy them. Sadly this fear is very dangerous to other people. Who is the one really in danger of being hurt? The racist who is so violent or the immigrant who is trying to make his or her way in ordinary life?
  • Les LaRue
    signed 2013-02-22 12:20:49 -0800
    People are the most valuable resource of a society. Migrant people offer unique gifts to enhance the lives of everyone. To deny this is ignorant and self-defeating, like refusing an opportunity to learn and grow and experience friendship with other vibrant human beings. It is a shriveled, narrow existence the nativists lead. I don’t envy them. I hope they will each have a revelatory experience of love and kindness that will advance their souls toward something approaching humanness.
  • John Howard
    signed 2013-02-22 12:20:37 -0800
  • Michael Miller
    signed 2013-02-22 12:20:21 -0800
  • Sylvia Brallier
    signed 2013-02-22 12:18:35 -0800
  • Karen Stickney
    signed 2013-02-22 12:17:30 -0800
    They have a right to be here just like everybody else does! Didn’t your parents tell you that when you were kids? Don’t you tell your kids that if you have them?
  • Louise Vandament
    signed 2013-02-22 12:15:18 -0800
    Rush Limbaugh says he is ashamed of this country because of the

    Democrats; well I am ashamed and sick to my stomach about him

    and all of his ilk. Shame on the whole lot of them.
  • garry nemeth
    signed 2013-02-22 12:14:50 -0800
  • Jennifer Lyons
    signed 2013-02-22 12:14:22 -0800
  • Dan Piccolo
    signed 2013-02-22 12:14:21 -0800
  • Hank Keeton
    signed 2013-02-22 12:13:49 -0800
    Racism is a disease. It kills those who possess it. Help them help themselves, by helping them learn compassion for themselves, and compassion for others. It will save their lives.
  • Mitch Parkinen
    signed 2013-02-22 12:13:26 -0800
  • Alexander Stephens
    signed 2013-02-22 12:13:11 -0800
  • Nancy Phillips
    signed 2013-02-22 12:12:17 -0800
    We are all immigrants…even the “Indians” who crossed over from Asia 20,000 years ago. The Earth belongs to us all.
  • Omar Barberena
    signed 2013-02-22 12:12:15 -0800
    Is this what we call the United States of America? Are we united or falling apart?
  • Zebulon Beilke-McCallum
    signed 2013-02-22 12:12:04 -0800
  • Robert Robinson
    signed 2013-02-22 12:11:40 -0800
    Sick people indeed.
  • Henry Weinberg
    signed 2013-02-22 12:11:24 -0800
    Human rights are common sense. Sadly, common sense is not common these days.
  • Patrick Martel
    signed 2013-02-22 12:11:18 -0800
  • John Mangione
    signed 2013-02-22 12:11:16 -0800
  • denise harris
    signed 2013-02-22 12:10:28 -0800
  • Anonymous
    signed 2013-02-22 12:10:00 -0800
  • Abe Dalis
    signed 2013-02-22 12:09:48 -0800
    If there is a good implication in globalization, it should be immigration where humans across the planet are free to choose where to live without strict national boundaries. It seems that this is the farthest from being the case as immigration restrictions not only has denied the historic truth about this nation being nothing but an outcome of immigration, but also that immigration has become a win card to dirty politics. There is so much hatred, abuse, and hypocrisy surrounding the subject of immigration from the bi-partisan politicians. While many capitalist conservative opportunist contractors and small business owners can not hide their interest in hiring low wage and tip workers in restaurants, farms, janitor services, and construction, their liberal counterparts continue to defend immigration for the wrong reasons: abusing demographic electoral power. The subject of immigration must be approached with more dignity and truth about the benefits and expense of immigration. Phobic stereotyping and falsification is not the way to handle the subject. A balance between the two extremes can be reached by serious and decent re-evaluation of our laws and attitudes governing the subject. The starting point is the realization that our great nation is no more than a composition of immigrants and it continues to be.
  • Anita Scheunemann
    signed 2013-02-22 12:09:43 -0800
  • David Butler
    signed 2013-02-22 12:09:30 -0800
  • Howard Fine
    signed 2013-02-22 12:09:14 -0800
    We are a nation of immigrants. It is specifically our diversity that makes us unique and strong. Furthermore, immigration issues and entitlement reform should be connected in the public debate. America needs immigrants as baby boomers age and birthrates continue to drop. We especially need the type of people who set out against all odds to bring themselves and their families here to be part of the American experiment. The ironic thing is, I don’t want people who wait in line, but the ones who can’t wait and put up with living in the shadows to become a part of who we are. They truly contain the Spirit of America. Any person who cannot separate immigration from issues of drugs, crime and gun violence, don’t sufficiently understand what is happening in our country. They most likely don’t know any immigrants and usually harbor racist, xenophobic fears and violent revenge fantasies. These people must be shouted down and marginalized. They are the ones who should leave. They rail against American birthright laws, yet they seem to forget that they did less to become American than the immigrants they blame for all the ills of society. Send the racists to the moon and open the gates to the dreamers. Our country will be all the better for it.